Why Should You Use Historical Trend Reporting Salesforce

Historical Trend Reporting is a speciality detailing highlights accessible on Salesforce. It allows for daily and weekly analyses of changes in forecasts, cases, opportunities, or values in custom objects as well as reporting on the standard, current state of the business. A unique custom report type is used in Historical Trend Reporting to focus on changes between five snapshot dates, such as five business days or five business weeks. Tables, charts, and dashboards provide a visual representation of the data’s changes. Salesforce stores historical data for four months, including the current month and three previous months.

Why Should You Use Historical Trend Reporting?

If you’re not already using historical trend reporting in Salesforce, you’re missing out on one of the most powerful features of the platform. Historical trend reporting allows you to see how your sales are trending over time, which can be invaluable for identifying patterns and making decisions about where to allocate resources.

There are a number of reasons why you should be using historical trend reporting in Salesforce:

1. It’s easy to track your sales progress over time. With historical trend reporting, you can see at a glance how your sales are progressing week over week, month over month, or year over year. This is valuable information that can help you identify patterns and make informed decisions about where to focus your efforts.

2. It can help you spot problems early. If you see that your sales are starting to slip, historical trend reporting can help you pinpoint the problem so you can take corrective action quickly.

3. It can help you assess the impact of changes in your sales process. If you implement a new strategy or change the way you’re selling, historical trend reporting can help you gauge the impact of those changes and determine whether they’re having the desired effect.

4. It’s a valuable tool for forecasting future sales. By understanding how your sales have been trending, you can make more accurate predictions about future sales volume and revenue. This information is essential for planning purposes and ensuring that your business has the resources it needs to meet its goals.

Don’t forget to check out: Defining Reporting Snapshots | Salesforce Guide

Setup instructions for Historical Trend Reporting

  1. Go to the Setup Screen.

  2. From the Quick Find Box, select Historical Trending.

  3. Select the objects that you want to perform Historical Trend Reporting on. You can select Cases, Opportunities, Forecasting Items, and up to three custom objects. Select Enable Historical Trending.

  4. Mention the amount of data that can be filtered using the Configure Datafilters to produce Historical Trend Reports. For Cases, Opportunities, and custom objects, you can restrict historical data. The data that is available for forecasting items is available for you.

  5. Under Select Fields, select up to eight fields to make available for Historical Trend Reporting. Click Save.

A new field will automatically be included in the layout of the Historical Trend Report if you enable historical trending on it.

How To Create a Historical Trend Report

  1. Go to the Reports tab and click on New Report.

  2. Select the Report Type as Opportunities and Expand It—select Opportunities with Historical Trending. Click on Create.

  3. In the Filters Pane, for Show, select All Opportunities.

  4. In the Filters Pane, click on Add and choose Historical Field Filter.

  5. Set Amount (Historical) to Any Historical Date and more significant than. Set the last field to Field. Here, we are comparing the historical amount with whatever amount is in the Amount – Today column, and not with a specific amount. Click OK, and then Run Report.

The colour coding for amount changes is adjustable. Reverse Colors can be selected by clicking the down arrow above the Change column.

How to Use Historical Trend Reporting in Salesforce?

Salesforce provides historical trend reporting to give you insights into your sales data over time. You can use this feature to track progress against targets, monitor seasonality, and identify opportunities for growth.

  • To access historical trend reporting, go to the Reports tab and click on the Historical Trend Report link.

  • On the report page, you can select the timeframe you want to view data for and the metric you want to track. Salesforce will automatically generate a line graph showing the trend over time.

  • You can use the options in the sidebar to further customize the report, such as adding filters or changing the date range.

Historical trend reports are a valuable tool for understanding your sales data and making informed decisions about your business. By taking advantage of this feature, you can stay one step ahead of your competition.

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Overall, historical trend reporting in Salesforce is a great way to keep track of your sales data and see how your business is performing over time. It can be helpful in identifying areas of opportunity or potential problems so that you can take corrective action. While it may take some time to set up initially, it is well worth the effort and can save you a lot of time and energy in the long run.

To get more knowledge about Historical Trend Reporting Salesforce, contact us right away at Apphienz, visit our website, or send us an email at [email protected] to find out more about how we can assist you.

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