4 Key Benefits Gained From a Power BI & Dynamics 365 Integration

Microsoft is known for its powerful data management systems and tools. Microsoft Dynamics 365 connects all your data from various processes and business teams for optimum efficiency.  Power BI is Microsoft’s reporting solution that can organize your data, and create actionable reports. When connecting the two, business leaders are able to view the data analytics gathered in Dynamics 365 tools in easy-to-digest reports made in Power BI. When organizations have both systems in place and integrate the two, they now have clear insights into their data and can make necessary pivots and improvements to grow their business. Learn about four specific benefits business users can gain from a seamless Dynamics 365 and Power BI integration.

4 Data Benefits

Data Ingestion and Extraction: Power BI can extract data from essentially any source, including Dynamics 365. Power BI does automatic and periodic refreshes from the source it’s pulling from. This ensures data is always current. Refreshes in Power BI can be set to occur however often users prefer.
Data Clean-up: When Power BI is pulling information from Dynamics 365, users can identify duplicate data entries and consolidate them. It acts as an efficient data clean-up tool and will help ensure you have concise and reliable information.
Data Presentation: One of the greatest features of Power BI is its data visualization capability. Power BI displays its data in graphs, charts, and other organized formats that allow users to easily make sense of the data, and identify gaps. Power BI can pull the data from your Dynamics 365 system, and organize it in a meaningful way.
Data Aggregation: Power BI can pull data from several systems at once, and aggregate it into one location. If you have two or more systems (like two Dynamics 365 technologies) managing different data sets, you can view data from both in Power BI as long as Power BI is properly integrated with both systems.

Dynamics 365 Technologies

In addition to all of these benefits, users gain from a Dynamics 365/Power BI integration, it’s important to note that the Dynamics 365 suite has many sub-tools for Power BI to integrate with. Dynamics 365 consists of Sales, Marketing, Customer Service, Field Service, Business Central, and Finance & Supply Chain. Each of these technologies performs certain operations and keeps track of different types of data, but all can connect with Power BI to allow users to view corresponding reporting and analytics.

Building a Foundation

Before integrating Power BI with any Dynamics 365 system, you must ensure your data foundation is sound. Wherever the data is being stored, whether it’s Dynamics 365 or another source, make sure the data is as organized as possible. Make sure its connections operate smoothly, without error, and users know how to properly migrate data back and forth. Having a technology partner for this foundational step can be extremely beneficial as most have experience with large amounts of data, and consolidating it into one location.


A successful Power BI and Dynamics 365 integration is sure to benefit your business in at least four irreplaceable ways. In order for those four ways to take full effect, and grant the most benefits from this integration, you must first understand the technologies within Dynamics 365 and how to establish a strong data foundation. JourneyTEAM Power BI and Dynamics 365 solution experts have experience across industries and business sizes. Contact us today to get the most out of your data with a Power BI/Dynamics 365 integration.

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