Canadian Payroll 2022 Year End Update

This is a few days late but the 2022 Canadian Payroll year end tax update for Dynamics GP was released earlier this week, on Wednesday. There were some unfortunate delays to getting this one released because of a late change for Quebec. Every year it seems like something causes a delay!

Download details

Like last year, there is only one download, which is a patch for “Microsoft Dynamics GP”…

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Canadian Payroll 2022 Year End Update

This is a few days late but the 2022 Canadian Payroll year end tax update for Dynamics GP was released earlier this week, on Wednesday. There were some unfortunate delays to getting this one released because of a late change for Quebec. Every year it seems like something causes a delay!

Blog Syndicated with Jen Kuntz’s Permission

More About This Author

Jen Kuntz
Jen is a self-employed Dynamics GP consultant, based in Southwestern Ontario, Canada. She is a Microsoft MVP in Business Applications (since 2016), a GPUG All-Star and a designated accountant (CPA, CGA).

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