6 Benefits of Appointment Scheduling for Dynamics 365 Users

But Dynamics 365 users have a better option. If you integrate a calendar plugin with the CRM, you will get all the features within the CRM itself; you don’t have to manage the calendar as an extra tool.

The major benefit of this plugin is that it simplifies appointment scheduling. We have listed a few here.

 Simplifies appointment booking process

The traditional way of booking appointments is slow and monotonous. A customer calls or emails you to book an appointment regarding a demo, discussion, etc. To manage all this, you have to hire extra staff, which means an increase in cost.

This way of booking appointments is not reliable as chances of miscommunication and errors increase. You might make a slight mistake while writing your contact number or email address. Not showing up at the right time might cost losing a customer or building a negative impression in their mind.

An appointment scheduling software makes all these processes smoother and error-free. You have to share your meeting link with clients and prospects. They can choose the preferable time. Once they confirm the timing, meeting details will be sent to both parties. 

The software adds the meeting to your calendar and sends you a reminder. 

Build a strong bond with clients 

The key to a successful business in an exceedingly competitive environment is making a strong connection with your clients. To build a strong connection, you have to talk to them and build trust. 

With appointment scheduling software, you will have a whole new opportunity to take care of your client bond. When your customers can easily contact you, it builds their trust. This would be a great chance for you to personalize the marketing efforts and turn that trust into loyalty.

Thus, when a customer feels that partnering with the company is smooth, it would mean a green flag for them to go into business with you.

When you have international clients, calls are expected 24*7 because of different time zones. Which means appointment scheduling can happen outside your working hours as well. Getting no response from your end instantly can put off a customer.

Hence an appointment scheduling system that works 24 hours is much needed. Scheduling software shows customers your available time slots in their time zone to avoid any misinterpretation of timings. 

Customers might be going through your social media pages or website and want to connect with you. You must add the meeting links on your internet platforms.

Just ensure that you put in your working hours precisely because the appointment time slots will be configured based on that. 

Every business would expect prospects to show up after spending so much time talking with clients, setting up appointments, entering data, all that to end up being ignored. There can be many reasons for clients not showing up at the right time, but one reason you can help with is forgetfulness.

Appointment scheduling software comes with a reminder feature that ensures the meeting is not forgotten. The software will send email alerts to clients prior to the meeting time.

Moreover, the scheduling process will also be reduced with software. Your resource will save time in the constant back and forth of emails and calls to schedule calls. Just sharing a meeting link on your platforms will be enough.

When potential clients see how easy it is to connect with you, their trust in you will build. The abandon ratio will reduce, and you will earn an extra edge over your competitors.

We all search “near me” locations whenever we are out. Searches on Google have increased a lot in the past few years. Location-based searches contribute a major portion of the search traffic for companies. So companies have started improving their local presence.

Appointment scheduling software is one way to improve local presence. If you integrate your software with Reserve with Google, it will allow searches to detect your company. 

So, prospective clients can see your company in “near me” searches and book an appointment from Google Search directly. Hence, not only Google ranking but quality traffic will also get a boost as people in need can easily find you.

Tools can be an opportunity for businesses to learn a little more about themselves. These tools can give you insights into your peak business hours and whether you need extra resources during those hours to keep up with the demand. 

You would also know the days and times when fewer appointments are scheduled. You can manage working hours accordingly. All this data and helpful insights allow businesses to plan more efficiently.

Final Words

All these benefits make appointment scheduling software more inevitable for every business. Calendar integration, 24*7 availability, smart analytics, and more features make it essential for businesses to boost leads and conversions. There are scheduling apps present in the market that have diverse features for resource management, customer management, and making custom calendars for different teams. All these features can definitely help businesses plan better. If you have a proper management system, resource productivity will also increase and you might not need as many resources as you needed previously. For Dynamics 365 users Dynamics 365 calendar plugin would be the best choice. Getting all the appointment scheduling features within the CRM is much more beneficial than using a standalone app.


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