Salesforce Einstein AI: How it Works for Sales Cloud?

Artificial intelligence (AI) long ago has become a full-fledged link in the interaction of Humans with technologies. AI successfully helps us to find what we need in Google, recommends movies on Netflix, serves us in McDrive, and suggests us tweets. CRM services providers couldn’t avoid AI implementation, as plenty of areas couldn’t, where AI brings qualitative changes to the lives of hundreds of people. As a result, Salesforce Inc pulled together 175 data scientists to help create Salesforce Einstein AI. Of course, Salesforce, as the #1 CRM service provider in the world, was the pioneer and continues to be a leader in AI adoption.

In this article, we will discuss how AI makes the lead management process in Salesforce Sales Cloud even more efficient; discuss Einstein predictive analytics; and talk about Sales Cloud Einstein features and implementation of Salesforce Einstein in Sales Cloud.

What is Salesforce Sales Cloud Einstein?

In September 2016, Salesforce announced the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into its products – the launch of Einstein, the set of AI technologies that was supposed to add an intelligent layer wherever possible in the entire Salesforce platform. Spoiler: and it did so. Now Einstein is available across Salesforce’s core cloud products.

Among the AI technologies included in Einstein are Machine Learning (ML), deep learning, predictive analytics, Natural Language Processing (NLP), and smart data discovery. Besides, Einstein functionality can be used for designing AI-powered apps and workflows (e.g., Einstein AI might suggest how to upgrade the lead management process in the Sales Cloud and set up customized follow-ups).

Don’t forget to check out: Turbocharge Your Salesforce CRM With the Power of Einstein AI

In Sales Cloud, Einstein AI optimizes your daily business processes and enables your company to significantly increase profit rates by understanding current and potential customers. Salesforce involves valuable data sources for Einstein, including access to emails, calendars, tweets, and, of course, customer data. AI technologies provide a sales team with predictive lead scoring, opportunity insights, and automated activity capture. AI checks the data collected in CRM to see the difference between won and lost deals, form the top of leads, and recommend the steps needed to close them. Such functions allow your sales reps to free up time for sales exactly, delegate additional tasks to AI, and enhance their work results (have you ever heard that nearly two-thirds (64.8%) of reps’ time is spent in non-revenue-generating activities, leaving only 35.2% for functions related to selling?). In Salesforce, they say that the main purpose of AI integration is not to replace some team members but to enhance them and make their life easier.

Sales Cloud Einstein Features

Each of Einstein’s AI features is applied at different stages of the sales process. Let’s have look on how they brings benefits in real-world business practice:

Einstein AI features

Einstein Activity Capture 

Email: It’s a smart email assistant feature, which is the most useful for sales reps. Activity Capture is based on the NLP technology (which understands human language and that’s unable AI to analyze it and, in our case, take the most valuable insights from emails). This feature “reads” emails, distinguishes the most important ones, offers the next steps to do, or offers the way to answer. Emails that Einstein Activity Capture process are automatically added to the activity timeline of related account, contact, lead, opportunity, contract, and quote records.  

Events: Sales staff can connect their emails to the My Events calendar in Salesforce. AI scans email content for events, and then events become Salesforce records, so your team can easily manage everything from Salesforce Sales Cloud.  

Contacts: For contacts, Einstein Activity Capture works almost the same as for events: contacts from the connected account are automatically added to the Salesforce database and become Salesforce records.  

Einstein Lead Scoring 

Make sure your sales team handles the hottest lead first. Einstein Lead Scoring applies ML and data science to discover the patterns from the history of lead conversion. The more leads you convert, the more information AI has for learning, and that’s how it becomes “smarter,” more and more valuable, and finds new emerging patterns. Based on your previous deals, AI compares converted leads with the new ones and finds what they have in common. Then AI prioritizes the existing leads and scores them according to the probability of conversion. Moreover, AI determines which fields influence each lead score the most. 

Einstein Opportunity Scoring 

An opportunity in Salesforce refers to the high probability of generating sales revenue. Opportunity Scoring works similarly to Lead Scoring: AI gives the score (from 1 to 99) to each opportunity in Sales Cloud and picks out the biggest deals most likely close in the pipeline. The higher the score, the higher the probability the deal will go through. 

Einstein Opportunity Insights 

This feature is a useful addition to Activity Capture and Opportunity Scoring, producing valuable insights from the opportunities data. Using sentiment analysis (NLP technique determines whether data is positive, negative, or neutral), AI recognizes client sentiments from the analyzed data. There are the following types of insights provided by Einstein under the Opportunity Insights: 

  • Deal Prediction 
  • Follow-Up Reminders 
  • Key Moments 

Einstein Account Insights 

Stay kept up-to-date with the latest news that influences your business. 

Einstein Forecasting 

Don’t let your business shock you – make it predictable. Einstein Forecasting feature is based on ML and data mining AI technologies to bring more certainty and visibility to your forecasts. Here AI analyzes data from the CRM, tracks the sales teamwork, and predicts future deals. 

Einstein Automated Contact 

Einstein Automated Contact removes this problem from the Sales reps and identifies contacts based on the activities. 

dont miss out iconCheck out another amazing blog here: Turbocharge Your Salesforce CRM With the Power of Einstein AI

How to implement Salesforce Einstein in Sales Cloud?

Step 1:

In a quick find menu, open Setup Assistant.

Step 2:

Create a permission set and select Sales Cloud Einstein from the dropdown menu.

Step 3:

Enable all the permissions for Sales Cloud Einstein App Permissions, and assign permissions to users.

Step 4:

Add the Einstein components for Accounts, Leads, and Opportunities to the Homepage and Lightning Pages using Lightning App Builder.


After integrating Artificial Intelligence in the form of Einstein, the world №1 CRM Salesforce became the most intelligent one and has taken technologies to another level. Einstein AI in Sales Cloud helps the sales team to understand their current and potential customers, close more deals, provide better service, and increase productivity. Using Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing technologies, Einstein AI learns the history of converted leads, analyzes leads behavior, and makes predictions about potential customers.

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