Top Salesforce Spring ’23 Experience Cloud Features

Salesforce Experience Cloud focuses on accelerating deployment, saving time, fostering great customer engagement, enhancing security, boosting productivity, and fostering collaboration. Let’s have a look at the latest additions in the Spring ’23 Experience Cloud release features.

Structured data can help your Aura and Lightning Web Runtime sites rank higher in search results. Making users’ experiences on your LWR sites even more delightful is made possible by a wealth of new and updated components in Experience Builder. Adjust the margin around individual components for pixel-perfect pages on upgraded LWR sites. Delight your users with string characteristics that adapt to their device screen size on your improved Mobile Publisher for Experience Cloud apps.


Utilize Structured Data to Boost Your Site’s SEO

The script> tag can now be used to add structured data to certain web pages. Search engines can better grasp the content and meaning of a web page thanks to structured data, which offers essential page details in a consistent format. Search engines can show your pages in more appealing ways and increase site traffic if they can understand the content of your site better. Using the ExperienceBundle and DigitalExperienceBundle Metadata API types and the Head Tags area of a page’s Properties tab in Experience Builder, you may add structured data to your pages.

Where: This modification is valid for Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer editions of Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience websites that access Aura and LWR sites.

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Establish Component Visibility Rules on Enhanced LWR Sites (Pilot)

Make your LWR sites with enhancements as dynamic as your users. Depending on the conditions you specify, you can hide or show specific components using Expression-Based Visibility. Create rules using the new Visibility tab on your components and apply them depending on User object properties, such as User > Manager > Department.

Where: This modification is valid for Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer editions of LWR sites accessed using Lightning Experience and Salesforce Classic.

Why: Create conditions using AND/OR logic and present your components to the appropriate audience at the appropriate moment.

How: Ask your Salesforce support agent how you may join the Expression-Based Visibility pilot when you get in touch with them. The Visibility tab becomes visible on all components after the feature is enabled.

Aura Sites to Google Analytics 4 migration

This update converts all of your Aura sites’ JavaScript libraries from analytics.js to gtag.js in order to get ready for Google Analytics 4. (GA4). For each Aura site, manually change the Google Analytics Tracking ID from a UA-ID to a G-ID after upgrading your JavaScript libraries to complete the migration to GA4. After July 1, 2023, when Google ceases processing data through Universal Analytics properties, Experience Cloud mandates that each Aura site utilize the gtag.js library and a G-ID in order to continue collecting analytics data. Previously, Aura sites could connect to Google Analytics via a UA-ID and be allowed to utilize the gtag.js or analytics.js libraries. The spring of 23 marks the release of this upgrade.

Where: The Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer editions of Aura sites that are accessed through Lightning Experience and Salesforce Classic are affected by this change.

How: The gtag.js library is now used by all Aura sites as a result of this release. This update has no effect if your Aura sites already use the gtag.js library. Your Aura sites use GA4 to process visitor analytics data after manually changing each Google Analytics Tracking ID from a UA-ID to a G-ID.

If any of your Aura sites rely on the analytics.js library, examine how the library upgrade will affect each site in a developer or sandbox org before implementing the change in your production org. The update is applied concurrently across all of your Aura site libraries. The gtag.js library upgrade cannot be reversed.

To access this update, go to Setup, type “release updates” in the Quick Find box, and then click Release Updates. The testing and activation processes should be followed for Migrate Aura Sites to Google Analytics 4.

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Receive Alerts When Micro-Batching Errors Occur

Now, you are informed by email which records failed to create and which mistakes took place. When a case, custom object, or lead was produced using micro-batching, you previously executed a query to find out why it failed to process.

Where: This modification affects Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer editions of Aura, LWR, and Visualforce sites accessed through Lightning Experience and Salesforce Classic.

Grant Granular Flow Permissions to Experience Cloud Guest Users

From the Guest User profile in all orgs, Salesforce will be removing Run Flows in Spring ’23. The modification strengthens site security by needing specific guest user rights in order to run Flows. Use the more specific permission structure built into Flows to provide your users with the granular access they require. Install the new permission structure on your sites before the enforcement date to prevent access problems in the future. This update went into effect in the spring of 23 after first becoming accessible in the summer of 22.

Where: Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer editions of Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience users who access Aura, LWR, and Visualforce sites will need to make this adjustment.

When: Salesforce puts this change into effect in the spring of ‘23. Go to Trust Status, search for your instance, and select the maintenance page to view the date of your instance’s next major release upgrade.

If you are looking to implement these exclusive features in your organization, get in touch with our team at Apphienz. Visit our website for more information and write to us in case you may have any questions. We will get back to you at the earliest.

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