Salesforce | What is Field level security in SQL? | The Ultimate Guide

What is Field Level Security in SQL?

Field level security in SQL is a feature that allows administrators to control access to specific fields in Salesforce. It is an important security measure as it ensures that only authorized users have access to sensitive information. Field level security works by restricting access to certain fields on a record level, so users can only view and edit fields that they have been granted permission to access.

How does Field Level Security work in Salesforce?

Field level security in Salesforce is managed through profiles and permission sets. A profile is a collection of settings and permissions that determine what a user can see and do within Salesforce. Permission sets are collections of settings and permissions that can be assigned to users to grant them additional access to certain fields or objects.

To enable field level security in SQL, administrators can create a profile or permission set and specify the fields that users with that profile or permission set can access. This can be done using the Field-Level Security settings page, which allows administrators to control access to each field on a per-profile or per-permission set basis.

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Benefits of Field Level Security in SQL

Field level security in SQL provides several benefits, including:

  1. Protecting sensitive data: Field level security ensures that only authorized users have access to sensitive data, which helps to prevent data breaches and unauthorized access.
  2. Compliance: Field level security helps organizations comply with data privacy regulations such as GDPR, CCPA, and HIPAA.
  3. Customization: Field level security allows administrators to customize access to specific fields based on user roles and responsibilities.
  4. Granular control: Field level security provides granular control over who can access specific fields, which ensures that users only have access to the data they need to perform their job functions.

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Limitations of Field Level Security

  1. Limited to Record Level Security: Field level security in SQL controls access to fields on a per-record basis, making it difficult to restrict access to specific fields across all records in an object.
  2. Doesn’t Restrict Access to Related Records: Field level security in SQL only applies to the fields in the current object and doesn’t restrict access to related records in other objects.
  3. Doesn’t Restrict Access to Reports and Dashboards: Field level security in SQL doesn’t restrict access to reports and dashboards, which can be a limitation when trying to restrict access to specific fields.
  4. Doesn’t Control Data Sharing between Users: Field level security in SQL doesn’t control data sharing between users, which means that users with the same level of access to an object can still share data with each other.

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