Microsoft Dynamics 365 Field Service: Tricks & Tips for Efficient Territory Management – CRM Software Blog

Team Work is the ultimate sauce for the recipe for integrated success!

A couple of weeks back, we ventured into a new & interesting series highlighting the offering of Maplytics as a successful add-on to Microsoft Dynamics Field Service. Let us dig into the details of our first pitstop in the Field Service Management Journey, Territory Management!

Territories are needed for dividing business markets into geographical regions for improved work order management, planning, and reporting. With Microsoft Dynamics 365 Field Service, one can group customers, their work orders, and required resources based on a custom region and name the Territory accordingly.

Territories can be mapped with Work Orders and Resources to schedule the correct reps with the raised work orders. Territories are useful filters for the schedule board, the schedule assistant, and the Resource Scheduling Optimization add-on.

Reporting by area or region is a commonly observed use case for many organizations. First-timer rates, work order counts by type, or work order invoice revenue are all measurable using territory distinction.

The role of Territories in managing Field Services is amazing. The features make Territory Management streamlined. An added touch of location intelligence elevates the feature of Territory Management. What if the territories could be created using geo coordinates? All of it and more could be added with Maplytics, the flagship product of Inogic, and a 5-star rated, geo-mapping app on the Microsoft AppSource!

Let us have a look at how Microsoft Dynamics 365 Field Service and Maplytics could work as a Team!

Creating a territory within Microsoft Dynamics 365 Field Service

Territories in Field Service can be created using the settings option or by importing them from an Excel File. The Territory can be named as per choice and a Manager can be assigned to it.

Dynamics 365 Field Service

The steps for the same can be found here.

Creating a territory with Maplytics

With Territory Management within Maplytics, Sales managers can divide their clients into balanced territories, regionally. The managers are empowered to create territories using

shape and Excel files,
selecting regions such as city, country, state, by using an overlay, etc.,
by drawing physical shapes with tools on the map, and so on.

Every record gets auto-assigned to an existing territory with Maplytics and thus, there are a variety of ways to create territories. More details to create territories can be explored here.

Assigning resources to territories in Field Service

Within Microsoft Dynamics 365 Field Service, bookable resources like field technicians, sales reps, equipment required on the field, or facilities to be used by the technicians can belong to one or more territories. Resources can be assigned to multiple territories. The steps for the same within the Bookable Resource Form can be checked here.

Dynamics 365 Field Service

Creating Territories Automatically with Maplytics

With regions exceeding the number of clients, territories can be created using the Auto Territory Creation function. With this, the managers only have to provide the records and specify the number of territories to be generated for them. Further details for the Auto creation of territories can be explored here.

Dynamics 365 Field Service

Adding accounts to territories with Field Service

Customer accounts can belong to a single service territory only within Microsoft Dynamics Field Service. The same can be done within the Account form, Servicing option. The detailed steps can be followed here.

Dynamics 365 Field Service

Editing existing Territory with Maplytics

Maplytics within Microsoft Dynamics provides managers the flexibility to alter the boundaries of the territories to assign or re-assign records to certain other territories as per requirement.

For instance, a Territory NYA created using three postal codes 30002, 3002, and 3004 can have its boundaries altered to reassign a client record to another Territory named CMA.

Click here for a quick walk through how you can edit territories within Microsoft Dynamics 365.

Territories in the scheduling assistant with Field Service

While scheduling, one can match the required service territory to the resources in those territories.

For example, when one assigns a service account to a work order, the service territory of the account appears on the work order if the service account belongs to a service territory.

If one attempts to book a work order with the schedule assistant, the Service Territory gets added as a filter. The listed resources will then be a part of that territory.

Dynamics 365 Field Service

Aligning Territories with Maplytics

Territory Alignment Tool has enabled managers at many Maplytics using organizations to merge two territories, split them into two or more, and so on. Details can be witnessed here.

Territories on the schedule board with Field Service

Territories are also used on the schedule board more effectively manage resources. For instance, create schedule board tabs specific to a single territory that the dispatcher manages.

On a new schedule board tab, add one or more territories as filters, and the resources shown adjust accordingly. Select Save as Default so the filters remain when one returns later.

Dynamics 365 Field Service

Drafting Territories before Creation with Maplytics

While working on multiple things, sales territories could be drafted and later confirmed with proper checks, additions, and deletions. These can be studied further, here.

Relate territories and postal codes in Field Service

One can relate territories to postal codes as well within Microsoft Dynamics 365 Field Service. When the postal code is present on the account or work order address, the related territory automatically gets filled in.

Dynamics 365 Field Service

Multi-level Territories with Maplytics

Maplytics supports Hierarchical Territories. Thus, sales managers can plot any child territories created for the selected territories, which also get plotted on the map along with the selected territories.

Dynamics 365 Field Service

In case a certain client is a huge revenue generator, he cannot be ignored or missed out. Also, it becomes safe to have two reps in charge looking after him. With Maplytics, more than one territory could be assigned to a record or a client with each having a dedicated rep in charge. A client with a large business could also be split into more territories with a categorized business umbrella for better management, customer support, and attention. Explore the feature at length here.

Thus, by combining the forces of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Field Service with Maplytics, the work orders, and the resource allocation could be further streamlined with territories created as per requirement in multiple ways, the creation of territories with multiple records could be automated, and they can be managed as per the geo-coordinates and overall used for improving Field Service productivity of a business!

What’s more?

To get more acquainted with Maplytics and experience it first-hand, one can write to them at [email protected]. To explore the product in depth, with a free trial of 15 days, or a personalized demo within Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM / Dataverse get in touch with the Team.

For applied knowledge, do visit our Website or the Microsoft AppSource. For a quick query resolution, one can hop on to our detailed Blogs, Client Testimonials, Success Stories, Industry Applications, and Video Library.

Until then,

Vamos Field Services!

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