2022 September DC Chapter Meeting

This week we had the 2022 September DC Chapter Meeting featuring Rachel Irabor! This was a great meeting of the Washington, DC Power Platform User Group. Let’s talk about the takeaways.

Great turnout for 2022 September DC Chapter Meeting. Lots of good discussion with these engaged folks!

User Experience

Rachel Irabor (LinkedIn, Twitter, Blog) talked to us about Users’ Experience in…

Continue Reading Kylie Kiser’s Article on their blog

2022 September DC Chapter Meeting – Kylie Kiser

This week we had the 2022 September DC Chapter Meeting featuring Rachel Irabor! This was a great meeting of the Washington, DC Power Platform User Group. Let’s talk about the takeaways. Rachel Irabor ( LinkedIn, Twitter, Blog) talked to us about Users’ Experience in Canvas Power Apps.

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Kylie Kiser

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