What Is Customer 360? | Salesforce

Product-centric businesses make a habit of telling customers what they can’t do, what’s not possible. “No, you can’t collect your online purchase from the store – that would slow distribution”. “Sorry, we can’t transfer that credit, there’s not a back-end process for us to track it”. 

Outstanding customer experience (CX)? Hardly. 

Today, 80% of customers say the experience a company provides is as important as its product or services. Customers want their needs met efficiently and easily. The aim of the game is to reduce the amount of effort – or perceived effort – for customers to get what they want. If you make it hard for them, they’ll find somewhere easier to buy from. 

This is where your employees matter so much. They’re the human face of your company, your advocates, the link to the customer, and the people who can make it easy – if you empower them. 

Easier said than done, right? To help empower your employees and bring your customer experience management into sharp focus Salesforce created Customer 360.

Change starts with customer experience management across teams

According to our latest State of the Connected Customer report, 76% of customers expect consistent interactions across departments. However, 54% say it generally feels like sales, service, and marketing don’t share information. 

Salesforce Customer 360 changes that by bringing customer data into a single, shared view. No matter the department or team, each employee has access to one touchpoint of customer data to help them make smarter business decisions. Think of it like one big group hug, where the customer is in the centre. 

While a 360-degree view of the customer isn’t new, what makes Salesforce Customer 360 different is it doesn’t assume the journey a customer will take – it uses the data insights from every department to create a unique customer ID to keep track. So if a customer calls your service department about a product, your marketing department can know that in a matter of clicks not days.  

Take a look below and find out exactly what Salesforce Customer 360 is.

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