
illustration showing email marketing campaigns for small business owners

5 Email Marketing Campaigns Every Small Business Needs

Ever built 20 email marketing campaigns only to find that only one works? It’s frustrating, right? For small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), this can feel even more scary. The truth is, successful marketing isn’t just driving people to your website and getting their email information;

webinar start selling online with storefronts

Start Selling Online with Storefronts

Are you considering launching an ecommerce store or a new digital shop but don’t know where to start? Then make sure not to miss our latest webinar where we guide you through the setup and management of the digital storefront using Salesforce Starter, Pro, and

A grocery shopper uses their smartphone to compare the price of items online: retail pricing

Using AI for Your Cyber Week Retail Pricing Strategy

There’s no denying competitive pricing will play a big role in winning shoppers’ Cyber Week business this year. In fact, we expect Chinese shopping apps to tally up $160 billion in sales this holiday season. Why? Because shoppers, who have been taking on quite a